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GIS Interface

GS utilizes a central GIS theme based on ESRI (ArcView) software objects. These create powerful GIS capabilities within GS that link its well database to "real world" GIS formats where it can be integrated with virtually any other spatial information such as maps, seismic lines, cross sections, raster logs, etc. Many vector and raster formats are supported; ArcView "Shape" files, CAD formats (DXF, DWG, DGN), GeoTIFF, JPEG, ERDAS, and MrSID image compression. There are options for layering all this spatial data to create advanced maps, along with spatial and logical queries on map layers. The user can create Shapefiles by Importing from Text Files or 
Graphically Drawing Points, Lines, and Polygons on a Map. The opening GS menu is simple and intuitive, and is very easy to learn.

Main GS Map Menu Interface

Create GIS Based Maps

Integrate Your Paper Map Images into the Digital GIS System by “Georeferencing” them!

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