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Free Demo

This is a free, no obligation Demo of GS 6.0 for Windows. It contains a complete database for one well, but will not allow the import of any other data. This Demo database will allow you to experiment with the full range of program functions. To Download and install the Demo:

  • Click the blue/orange DOWNLOAD link below. This will link to a YouSendIt web page with the "GS Software" logo. Click the round "arrow-down" Download button. SAVE the GSDemo-Setup.ZIP file (91.1 MB in size) to any temporary folder.

  • After the download close the YouSendIt page, Unzip the GSDemo-Setup.ZIP and then double-click the resulting GSDemo-Setup.EXE file to RUN it.

  • A standard Windows Setup procedure will install the software in the C:\Program Files (x86)\GSDemo default folder. 

  • After the installation, the README.DOC file will be opened with help for getting started using the Demo. If it doesn't start automatically, it can be opened manually from the installation folder C:\Program Files (x86)\GSDemo.

  • You do not need to re-start Windows immediately. A GS Demo Icon will be on your desktop. Simply click this to launch the Demo. The Demo can also be launched from your START / PROGRAMS menu. Press F1 at any point within GS to access the online Help. 

The Demo will highlight the full range GS system capabilities. The Demo c
an be freely installed on any number of PC's without limitation. No end-user licensing agreement is required for the Demo, and you are under no further obligations to GeoScience Software. The Demo installer will provide full uninstall capabilities, and the Demo can be removed from your PC at any time. If you decide to purchase a GS license, this is done separately by direct contact with us. Installation of a full license requires a shipped package which contains a USB dongle (hardware key) and CD for installing the full GS version. 

Please don't hesitate to Contact Us if you have any questions, or if there are any issues installing the Demo!  

Live Web Demo

If you are considering licensing GS we can also provide a live GS software Demo to quickly review the major capabilities of the system for your team.

Free PowerPoint / PDF Show
Presentation on the primary technical functions in GS - contains much of what is on this website(11.0 MB).






Sample Composite Logs and Cross Sections

Review the unlimited range of possibilities!

GS Checklist for Competitive Comparisons

Inevitably, we are asked how our software compares to the competition. We don't license our competitors' software, nor would they agree to provide it to us! In some cases we have customers who have a working knowledge of other systems, but asking them to provide a detailed comparison is a bit too much. Instead, here we provide a spreadsheet with a list of the major features in GS, costs, and other services so that you have a good start on comparing us to the competition and checking-off those that are important to your own unique requirements.

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